28 - 30 January 2025 | Excursion 31 January 2025, University of Bern, Switzerland
5 - 7 February 2025, University of Bern, Switzerland
11 September 2024, Hochschulzentrum VonRoll, Fabrikstrasse 6 / 2e, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
20 June 2024, 9 - 18h, University of Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften Room 099, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
19th June 2024 from 15.15h-17h, University of Bern, UniS Room A022, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern
5 – 8 June 2024, University of Bern, UniS, Room 003, Switzerland
22 November 2023, 16:30 - 17:45, room 114, University of Bern, main building, Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Details (in German)
10 November 2023 from 14:00 to 18:00, lecture hall 001 of the Institute of Geography, Hallerstrasse 12, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
20 Octobre 2023, UniS, Room S003, University of Bern, Switzerland
22 - 26 August 2023, University of Bern, Switzerland
2 June 2023, HESSO building, Sion (VS), Switzerland
22nd-24th May 2023, University of Bern, Switzerland and online
16-17 May 2023, University of Bern, Switzerland, and online
06 - 08 February 2023, Bern, Switzerland
1st - 3rd February 2023, University of Bern, Switzerland
2 - 7 Octobre 2022, Centre de Congrès Le Régent, Route des Mélèzes 28, 3963 Crans-Montana, Switzerland
16 September 2022, University of Bern, Switzerland
15 / 16 September 2022, Murten/Muntelier (FR), Switzerland
30 June / 1 July 2022, Martigny/Lac des Toules, Switzerland
Tuesday, June 28th 2022, University of Bern, Switzerland
25 - 26 August 2021, University of Bern, Switzerland
25 - 27 August 2021, University of Bern, Switzerland
New dates: 9 – 11 June 2021, University of Bern, Switzerland
New dates: 7 – 8 June 2021 / 9 June 2021 Excursion, University of Bern, Switzerland
12 - 15 January 2021, hosted online by the University of Bern, Switzerland
04 ‐ 06 February 2020, University of Bern, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Lecture hall EG16, Freiestrasse 3, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
03 ‐ 05 February 2020, University of Bern, Institute of Geography, Hallerstrasse 12, 3012 Bern
22 – 25 October 2019, Bern, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Peter Knoepfel, Uni Lausanne
Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern, Halllerstrasse 12, Raum 001
18:15-19:30 Uhr, anschliessend Apéro
Weitere Informationen
International Colloquium on Digital Archaeology in Bern
Organizing Committee: Maria Elena Castiello, Julian Laabs and Martin Hinz / Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Univ. Bern
An afternoon of talks and discussions with Edella Schlager, University of Arizona, and Jesse M. Keenan, Harvard University 10 December 2018, 15:00 – 18:00, room F-023, Unitobler, Lerchenweg 36, 3012 Bern
1 – 2 October 2018, University of Bern, Switzerland Organizing Committee: Chantal Camenisch, Sam White, Martin Bauch, Qing Pei and Christian Rohr
18 - 21 June 2018 (conference and workshop), University of Bern, Switzerland Contact: Stefan Brönnimann, Institute of Geography and Oeschger Centre, University of Bern & Christian Rohr, Institute of History and Oeschger Centre, University of Bern, Switzerland
The Mobiliar Lab Lecture 2018 will be held by David Bresch, professor for weather and climate risks at ETH Zurich. The lecture will take place at the University of Bern's main building on 13 March 2018 at 17:15. David Bresch will examine the usefulness of a resilience approach in the field of natural risks and climate change. The term resilience describes the ability to survive or adapt successfully in the the view of change and uncertainty. Hence, resilience provides a useful concept for anticipation and prevention of risks in general.
On 7 February 2018, the OCCR will organize a colloquium in the honour of the climate and environmental economist Gunter Stephan. His history with the Oeschger Centre is a very long, diverse and successful one. We would therefore like to accompany his becoming a Professor Emeritus with a festive event.
13. - 15. September 2017 (2-day workshop and one-day hands-on practical), University of Bern Contact: Dr. Julia Gottschalk, Institute of Geology & Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Switzerland
21 – 25 August 2017 Contact: Prof. Dr. Fortunat Joos, Oeschger Centre, University of Bern, Switzerland
In 2017, the OCCR organised the tenth International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC 10) in Interlaken, Switzerland. The anniversary event provided participants with an integrated, interdisciplinary view of the global carbon cycle and its perturbation by humans.
Read more
Monday, 19. Juni 2017, 15.15 – 17.00 Contact: Martin Grosjean, Oeschger Centre, University of Bern
19 -21 April 2017 Contact: Olivia Romppainen, Oeschger Centre, University of Bern, Switzerland
05 - 07 April 2017, University of Bern, Switzerland Contact: Hubertus Fischer, PAGES & University of Bern, Switzerland
2. März 2017, 19 Uhr, Alpines Museum der Schweiz, Bern Podiumsdiskussion unter anderem mit OCCR Forschern
Alpines Museum_Streit ums Wasser_Veranstaltung 02.03.17.pdf (PDF, 490KB)
7. - 9. February 2017, Institute of Geography, Hallerstrasse 12, 3012 Bern
More information
2 December 2016 Contact: Martin Grosjean, Oeschger Centre, University of Bern, Switzerland
4 -5 October 2016, University of Bern, Switzerland
Contact: Marina Battaglia Hochschule für Technik Institut für 4D-Technologien, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Brönnimann, Stefan Insititute of Geography and Oeschger Centre (OCCR), U. Bern, Switzerland
Tagung / Workshop Naturgefahrenprävention
12. – 13. September 2016 UniTobler, Universität Bern und Exkursion Berner Matte
Eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung des Oeschger-Zentrums, des Mobilar Labs für Naturrisiken, des Helmholtz Zentrums für Umweltforschung UFZ, der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, der Präventionsstiftungen der Kantonalen Gebäudeversicherungen und von alpS.
31 August – 2 September 2015, University of Bern, Switzerland Contact: PD Dr. Christoph Raible, Physics Insititute and Oeschger Centre (OCCR), University of Bern, Switzerland
7 – 10 April 2015 Contact: Prof. Dr. Stefan Brönnimann, Institute of Geography and Oeschger Centre, University of Bern
Conferences before 2015