Summer School 2017

High-resolution climate: observations, models and projections

3 - 8 September 2017
Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland


The 16th International Swiss Climate Summer School focuses on ‘High-resolution climate: observations, models and projections’. With the advent of satellites and high-performance computing, the resolution of climate information is dramatically increasing. This development is of critical importance from a societal point of view. It will improve the representation of key processes, weather systems and extreme events; reduce uncertainties in climate projections; and facilitate the use of climate information for mitigation and adaptation measures. Topics covered will include:

  • What observational methodologies provide high-resolution data?
  • How suitable are current global and regional climate models for high-resolution application?
  • What is the role of high resolution in representing extreme events such as heat waves, droughts, wind storms and floods?
  • How can we exploit the highly parallel and heterogeneous hardware architectures of emerging generations of high-performance supercomputers?
  • How can high-resolution information be used to inform decision processes in the context of a changing climate?

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