Climate Career Evening

Invited speakers from the public and private sectors spoke about their career from the Graduate School of Climate Sciences to their current position. The event was an opportunity for climate science students to broaden their horizons on career options and get insights on how they can contribute to society as climate experts.

The event was jointly organized by the Climate Science Student Council and the Oeschger Centre.

Rie Nemoto studied Climate Sciences at the University of Bern.

Watch the video to learn about her career on three continents, in academia and industry, and how she works for a carbon neutral Japan.






 17:00 CSSC Board

Session 1

 17:10 Tobias Schneider EAWAG
 17:25 Gianna Battaglia SBB / Federal Office for the Environment
 17:40 Philip Stevanon BLW
17:55 Stephanie Arcusa (online)
Arizona State Univ.

Session 2

 18:25 Isabel Wendl (online) eza!
 18:45 Basil Neff inNet AG
 19:00 Elise Moret ERM
19:15 Hélène Barras

Table talks

 19:30 Ice-breaker apéro with speakers


  20:30 CSSC Board / OCCR