The Oeschger Centre provides funding to invite selected high-profile researchers as incoming visiting scientists. Envisaged are 2 – 4 fellows per year. This activity (i) promotes the exchange of scientific knowledge for Oeschger Centre research groups, (ii) enhances the profile and international visibility of the Oeschger Centre, and (iii) in some cases, contributes to the teaching in the Graduate School of Climate Sciences (Oeschger Lectures I and II).
Guidelines and Criteria
- The proposal must be submitted by an Oeschger Centre member. The Scientific Board of the Oeschger Centre decides.
- The Visiting Scientist works closely with one or several Oeschger Centre research groups.
- The outcome is minimum one joint publication (or an equivalent).
- The visit may last for up to 6 months (ideal for a sabbatical, minimum stay is 2 months) and has a specific goal (publications, proposals, joint conferences, etc.). The visiting scientist is usually hosted with the research group and their labs.
- The grant amounts to 1500 CHF per month (accommodation and partly living costs). The maximum per person is 9000 CHF.
- If the Visiting Scientist contributes to the teaching in the Graduate School of Climate Sciences (Oeschger Lectures, 1.5 ECTS), the support may increase up to 3000 CHF per months. Please contact the Director of the Graduate School.
- Please apply as early as possible! Deadline for applications: 15 January and 15 August.
- Contact the OCCR Director for alternative submission dates.