Call for papers and registration

RIMMA2025 - International Conference on Forecasting, Preparedness, Warning, and Response  

Visualization, Communication, and Information Management

28 - 31 January 2025, University of Bern, Switzerland

Important dates

  • 30 April 2024: Registration opened
  • NEW 31 Augusts 2024: Submission of session proposals
  • 31 August 2024: Submission of abstracts and full papers
  • 31 October 2024: Confirmation of acceptance of session proposal, abstract or full paper
  • 1 December 2024: Submission of final abstract or full paper
  • 8 January 2025: Registration closes
  • 28-30 January 2025: Conference, University of Bern, Switzerland
  • 31 January 2025: Scientific excursion to Jungfraujoch or the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

This international interdisciplinary conference will enable the sharing of best practices as well as give space for discussing methodological problems in risk modeling and information management at the interfaces between the different phases of disaster management. The processing, visualization, and use of information according to the requirements of the UN SENDAI Framework holds enormous potential for new ways of enabling just-in-time preparedness, situation management, and ex-post evaluation. For a successful decision and action support, the best possible potential of technology must be harnessed.

Hence, the conference addresses researchers, practitioners, agencies/public administration, the private sector, NGOs, and technology developers.

The conference structure is open for presentations, work meetings of interdisciplinary groups, roundtables, and workshops to discuss methods and strategies.

We expect submissions and contributions of the following types:

  • Track/session/panel/workshop/topic-related forum/expert discussion
  • Abstract (oral presentation/poster)
  • Full paper

Proposals for sessions and workshops must be submitted via the Conftool. The new deadline is August 31st, 2024.
Sessions and workshops have a duration of 60-90 minutes. A track is a combination of sessions on a specific topic. Proposals for sessions, workshops, panels, forums, or tracks must be described as a concept note with a description of the topic, the aim, the expected outcomes, the number of expected participants, and - if known – the names of speakers.

The concept note form of the proposed session must be submitted as an attachment to the session proposal form in the Conftool. Each proposal must nominate a responsible chair and a rapporteur (co-chair) who will summarize the session outcomes for the conference organizers. Session organizers and speakers invited by session chairs must be registered as participants in the conference. Submission of abstracts by invited speakers of proposed sessions is recommended but not required. The number of sessions is limited. The chairs will decide on the session proposals, and the program committee may link conference contributions (abstracts and full papers) with proposed sessions. In this case, we will discuss the proposal with the session organizers after the acceptance of the proposed session by October 31st, 2024. In case of inquiries, please get in touch with the organizing committee by email at    

Conference language and contributions are in English.

Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations, limited to 500 words, must be submitted to the conference organizers no later than August 31st, 2024. Full papers must be submitted no later than August 31st, 2024. Abstracts and full papers will be reviewed, and authors will receive notification of the acceptance status of their abstracts or papers by October 31st, 2024, at the latest. Please submit your abstracts via the Conftool.

Link to the registration and Call for contributions, abstracts and papers

Registration for the conference can be made via the Conftool. Registration is also possible without the submission of a contribution.
Conference fees:

  • normal fee: 400 CHF
  • reduced fee for students: 200 CHF
  • SGK members (with invitation code): 200 CHF
  • seniors/emeriti without institutional affiliation (with invitation code): 200 CHF
  • conference dinner (optional): 80 CHF
  • scientific excursion to Jungfraujoch High Altitude Research Station (optional): 150 CHF

Link to the registration and Call for contributions, abstracts and papers

  • Accepted abstracts will be published online in the “Abstracts of the ICA”
  • Selected full papers with focus on cartography topics will be invited to be published in the conference special issue in the International Journal of Cartography (
  • Selected full papers with focus on disaster preparedness will be invited to be published in the book “Risk Information Management”.