Past Conferences

Early Instrumental Meteorological Series


18-21 June 2018, University of Bern, Switzerland

Bern, Hallerstr. 12, CH-3012 Bern (Room 001)

Invited speakers include: Rob Allan (UK), Mariano Barriendos (ESP), Rudolf Brazdil (CR),  Yuri Brugnara (CH), Pablo Canziani (ARG), Barbara Chimani (A), Stefan Grab (SA), Heli Huthamaa (NL), Phil Jones (UK), Andrew Lorrey (NZ), Jürg Luterbacher (GER), Franz Mauelshagen (GER), Sharon Nicholson (USA), Øyvind Nordli (NOR), Kathleen Prybil (UK), Rajmund Przybylak (POL), Victoria Slonosky (CAN), Antonia Valente (POR)

Oral Presentations

Monday 18 June

09:15-09:30 Stefan Bröninmann Welcome and Introduction
09:30-10:00 Phil Jones Digitizing early instrumental data: which sites to digitize and what to do with the digitized data?
10:00-10:30 Franz Mauelshagen Humboldt’s Isotherms
10:30-11:00 Mathias Deutsch Meteorological observations in Weimar during the first half of the 19th century
11:00-11:30 Coffee break  
11:30-12:00 Heli Huhtamaa Tracing pre-1850s instrumental series from Finland
12:00-12:30 Oyvind Nordli Esmark’s observations, 1816-1838 – The first reliable Norwegian climatological time series? Swedish and Norwegian observations before 1860 - an overview.
12:30-13:00 Rajmund Przbylak Early instrumental meteorological data from the Arctic and the area of Poland
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break  
14:00-14:30 Janusz Filipiak The longest one-man weather chronicle (1721 to 1786) by Gottfried Reyger for Gdańsk, Poland as a source for improved understanding of past climate variability
14:30-15:00 Rudolf Brazdil Early instrumental meteorological observations in the Czech Lands
15:00-15:30 Barbara Chimani Long-time series of Austria and the Alpine region
15:30-16:00 Yuri Brugnara/Lucas Pfister Early Instrumental Data from Switzerland
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break & Posters  
17:00-17:30 Richard Cornes The London and Paris Sub-daily Pressure series: an indicator of storm activity over the last 300 years
17:30-18:00 Robert Rohde Early instrumental data in Berkeley Earth temperagture products
18:00-19:00 Icebreaker & Posters  

Tuesday 19 June

08:30-09:00 Drew Lorrey (remote) Data rescue activities in New Zealand
09:00-09:30 Rob Allan Some observations on evolving and potential terrestrial historical station records around the globe
09:30-10:00 Stefan Grab Early instrumental weather records in South Africa: an overview
10:00-10:30 Sharon Nicholson Early rainfall observations in Africa and on islands of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
10:30-11:00 Coffee break  
11:00-11:30 Victoria Slonosky Historical climate data in Canada and calibration of early instrumental observations
11:30-12:00 Jürg Luterbacher Preliminary analysis of subdaily pressure and temperature variations of Old Arkhangel (1813-1831) and old Russia (1837-1880)
12:00-12:30 Kathleen Pribyl  Early instrumental data from the Mascarene Islands
12:30-13:00 Pablo Canziani (remote) Data rescue activities in Argentina
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break  
14:00-14:30 José Manuel Vaquero Recovery of early instrumental meteorological data in the Iberian and former colonies context: a review
14:30-15:00 Mariano Barriendos Early instrumental observations in Spain, 1780-1860. State of research and data applications
15:00-15:30 Nicolas Maughan The amateur weather-observing networks in the South-East of France and the production of early instrumental meteorological data (18th c.)
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break  
16:00-16:30 Ricardo Garcia-Herrera Ship's logbooks historical wind observations for the open oceans
16:30-17:00 Rob Allan Unlocking long historical weather observations from marine sources
17:00-17:30   Discussion
19:00 Conference Dinner Restaurant Rosengarten


Poster presentations

Please prepare your poster in A0 portrait format.

Ulrich Foelsche Extending the instrumental record of the meteorological station in Graz, Austria back into the late 18th century
Lisa Hannak Analysis of parallel measurements of manual and automatic measurement systems at German climate reference stations
Sylvie Jourdain Early instrumental series: Climate data rescue activities at Meteo-France
Nicolas Maughan HISTRHONE. A multi-secular database (A.D. 1300-2000) on the historical flood variability in the Lower Rhône Valley
Simon Noone  The Copernicus Climate Change Service Global Land and Marine Observations Database
Kristín Björg Ólafsdóttir Early instrumental meteorological series from Iceland
Dubravka Rasol Data rescue activities in Croatia
Julian Flückiger The meteorological series from Bern, Switzerland
Stefan Brönnimann The Copernicus Climate Change Service Data Rescue Services 
Christian Rohr EUROCLIMHIST 
Kim Jacobson Climate data rescue from the Belgian colonial archives : helping to close the data-gap for Central Africa
Barbara Chimano  EUMETNET Data Rescue Actvities
Fernando Sanchez Rodrigo Early meteorological data in southern Spain, 1778-1830