Forthcoming Conferences

Warning: Partcipants and Invitees, please do not reply to any 3rd Party who pretends to arrange travels and accomodation for you in our name.

1st Swiss Ocean Day - The conference for the Swiss ocean community

20 June 2024, 9 - 18h, University of Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften Room 099, 3012 Bern, Switzerland


”Beating the Heat” Conference 2024

11 September 2024, Hochschulzentrum VonRoll, Fabrikstrasse 6 / 2e, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland


RIMMA2025 Forecasting, Preparedness, Warning, and Response

Visualization, Communication, and Information Management

28 - 30 January 2025 | Excursion 31 January 2025, University of Bern, Switzerland


10th Workshop on European Storms

5 - 7 February 2025, University of Bern, Switzerland


DACH 2025 Assembly

Weather and Climate in Focus

23 - 27 June 2025, ExWi, University of Bern, Switzerland

Details (will be announced)