The Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) is a leading institution for climate research, it carries out interdisciplinary research that is at the forefront of climate science. The OCCR brings together researchers from 17 institutes and 5 faculties. It was founded in 2007 and is named after Hans Oeschger (1927-1998), a pioneer of modern climate research.
The OCCR has built up a unique interdisciplinary research environment focusing on climate change, one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. At the interface between physics, geography, biology, chemistry, history, economy, political sciences and philosophy, approximately 330 researchers are investigating the effects of these unprecedented changes on humans and ecosystems.
An international team of researchers with significant participation from the Oeschger Centre has drilled a 2,800 metre long and over 1.2 million year old ice core.
New professorship
With support from la Mobilière, the University of Bern has established an endowed professorship to study climate impact and public health in urban and residential areas.
Academic awards
Among the prizewinners at this year's Dies Academicus of the University of Bern were two researchers with a strong connection to the OCCR. Congratulations to Sandra Brügger and Lukas Fesenfeld!
OCCR members Benjamin Stocker and Jakob Zeischler have been honoured as Highly Cited Researchers 2024. The nomination is awarded by the analytics company Clarivate.
Academic career
Bettina Schaefli developed an early interest in hydrological modelling and has since built an impressive career: Since 2019, she has been a full professor at the University of Bern, heading the OCCR Hydrology Group. She also serves as President of the Swiss Hydrological Commission and is a member of the SNSF National Research Council.
Social tipping points
Economist and philosopher, Philippe Colo, analyses social tipping points. He says that a project like this is only possible in an interdisciplinary environment such as the Oeschger Centre, which uniquely supports and thrives on interdisciplinary collaboration.
Frontiers of Knowledge Award
Thomas Stocker and Jakob Schwander have been honoured with one of the most important science prizes in Europe.
European Geosciences Union prize
This prestigious prize is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of ice research.
Paper of the month
An OCCR research group has published a study in The Science of the Total Environment that shows the traces of historical land use in today's landscape. The publication is based on sedimentary data from northern Greece covering the last 9000 years. Using palaeoecological proxies (pollen, spores, stomata, microscopic charcoal), the researchers were able to reconstruct the long-term dynamics of vegetation and thus evaluate the environmental factors controlling it.
An interdisciplinary study by various OCCR members addresses the intricate relationships between heat, humidity and health outcomes.
A study led by OCCR members shows that wine must quality based on expert judgement is suitable for reconstructing past summer temperatures.
A publication jointly authored by several OCCR researchers uggests comparable dynamics of land use in southern and central Europe during the Neolithic.
September 1, 2024
until September 6, 2024
Grindelwald, Switzerland
Summer School
Hochschulstrasse 4 3rd floor WEST 3012 Bern
Phone: +41 31 684 31 45