Finanzielle Unterstützung (nur für Oeschger Centre Mitglieder)

Diese Rubrik ist nur auf Englisch vorhanden.

The Oeschger Centre supports its members for the following activities:

Conferences and Workshops

The Oeschger Centre supports and provides funding for selected high-profile conferences and workshops.
Deadline for applications: 15 January and 15 August

Application form

In addition, support for scientific meetings and for exploratory workshops from the Swiss National Science Foundation is available:


Matching Funds for Infrastructure and Equipment

The Oeschger Centre provides matching funds for infrastructure and equipment (e.g. SNSF REQUIP etc).

Please contact the Oeschger Centre Director (


The Oeschger Centre supports high-profile publications, open access, color plates, page charges, books etc.

Please consider the following points for a (partial) refunding of the publication fees:

First author needs to be a member of the OCCR
The affiliation must read "Institute xy and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland" or vice versa.
Pay the invoice and send a copy (pdf) by email to Martin Grosjean for refunding (Betriebskredit → Betriebskredit)
Financial support (refund) will typically be 1000 – 1500 CHF per publication

Graduate School of Climate Sciences

The Oeschger Centre supports educational activities of the Graduate School of Climate Sciences, specifically the yearly International Swiss Climate Summer School, the OCCR Young Researchers Meetings, and provides travel grants for MSc students (exchange programme with ETH Zurich), and grants for the hosts of MSc and PhD students.

Fast Track

The Oeschger Centre supports Fast Track activities of short duration with a specific target (e.g. EU proposal writing etc.)

Please contact the Oeschger Centre Director (

Start-up grants

The Oeschger Centre provides start-up matching funds for new faculty members of the Oeschger Centre.