Dezember 2024

The Oeschger Centre has four new research groups. The Geomorphology and Natural Hazards group is led by Virginia Ruiz; the Paleogenomics and Vegetation Modelling group by Christoph Schwörer; the Cloud dynamics group by Franziska Aemisegger; the Isotope Biogeoscience group by Eliza Harris and the Epistemology and ethics of climate change adaptation group by Julie Jebeile. We warmly welcome all new researchers.

OCCR researchers featured in Greenland exhibition

Greenland exhibition

OCCR members Hubertus Fischer, Chantal Zeppenfeld (both Past Climate and Biogeochemical Studies on Ice Cores) and Thomas Stocker (Emeritus group Earth System Modelling – Climate Dynamics) are part of the exhibition "Greenland Everything Changes", which recently opened at the Alps Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.

The three researchers are featured in the introductory part of the show, in which immersive projections serve as a counterpoint to some thirty filmed interviews with Greenlanders. A wide range of characters share their experiences and personal opinions about Greenland's intense, turbulent and contradictory transformation.

First meeting of the Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of the OCCR will hold its first meeting on 11 September 2025 in Bern. Various contacts with researchers are planned. The programme has not yet been finalised, but all OCCR members are asked to keep this date free for the time being. Further information will follow in February.

OCCR members continue drilling in Antarctica

drilling in Antarctica

The fourth campaign of the Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice project has started in Antarctica. The aim is to retrieve a 2,750 metres deep ice core from the Antarctic ice sheet. In this crucial campaign, an international team aims to drill from the depth of 1,836 metres reached last season to 2,750 metres, where the bedrock is expected to be found.

Ice at this depth could contain records of the Earth's climate history going back up to 1.5 million years. OCCR members Lison Soussaintjean and Barbara Seth (both Past Climate and Biogeochemical Studies on Ice Cores group) are part of an international team of 16 scientists who will remain at the remote Little Dome C site until February 2025, with average summer temperatures of -35°C.

Writing for Publication in Climate Sciences

For several years, the Graduate School of Climate Sciences has offered a special writing course for our PhD students and Postdocs. The next course will start in February 2025. Our lecturer, Simon Milligan, one of the best in the field, will include sequences on using AI writing tools ethically and effectively, adapting texts to target audiences and journals, managing the writing process efficiently, structuring each section of the text optimally, producing fluent and reader-oriented sentences and paragraphs, editing the text before submission, and revising in response to reviewers' comments. More information and registration.

Funding for analysis of BeyondEPICA ice cores

Summerschool 2024

Hubertus Fischer (Past Climate and Biogeochemical Studies on Ice Cores group) has received funding (CHF 987,520) from the SNFS for his project CCC1.5 (Carbon Climate Coupling over the last 1.5 million years). The project aims to gain a deeper understanding of the Mid Pleistocene Transition (MPT), the period about 1 Myr ago when glacial cycles intensified and changed their cyclicity from about 40 kyr to 100 kyr. CCC1.5 will test hypotheses proposed to explain the MPT by obtaining unique direct atmospheric trace gas records from the first continuous ice core covering this enigmatic period, currently being drilled in Antarctica as part of the Beyond EPICA project (see above).

Science Night 2025

On Saturday 6 September 2025, the University of Bern will once again host a Science Night. This major event, aimed at the general public, offers researchers a unique opportunity to explain and publicise their work in an accessible way. As in previous editions of the event, the OCCR is considering a joint presentation with content from affiliated research groups. OCCR members with ideas for such a presentation should contact Communications Officer Kaspar Meuli ( Proposals must be submitted to the University organisers by March.

Past Events

Excursion on the Sponge City

Sponge City

The Mobiliar Lab's spring event took place on 29 May in the form of an excursion to the Schosshalde district of Bern. The well-attended event was entitled 'The Sponge City: an innovative response to current and future challenges'. The excursion illustrated the need for Sponge City measures and explained the concept.

My Climate Risk meets Philosophy of Science

My Climate Risk meets Philosophy of Science

The workshop 'My Climate Risk meets Philosophy of Science', co-organised by the OCCR group Philosophy of Science perspectives on the climate challenge, took place at the University of Bern on 14-15 October 2024. The workshop brought together members of the My Climate Risk (MCR) project, which is part of the World Climate Research Programme, from the Global South and  Europe, with several philosophers interested in the MCR approach.

Upcoming Events

Conference on Radiant Monuments

The OCCR group Environmental History and Historical Climatology is one of the organisers of the conference Radiant Monuments: Nuclear Power Plants Between Cultural Value and Contaminated Sites, which will take place from 22 to 24 January 2025, University of Bern. Programme and registration.

D·A·CH 2025 Meteorology Conference

Dach2025 Logo

D·A·CH is a triannual conference on Meteorology, Climatology and related topics, under the auspices of the German, Austrian and Swiss Societies for Meteorology (DMG; ÖGM; SGM). The D·A·CH 2025 Meteorology Conference is hosted by the Oeschger Centre and will take place at the ExWi building, University of Bern, from Monday, 23 to Friday, 27 June 2025.

The conference aims to bring together academics and professionals from industry and administration. Abstract submissions and registrations can be made until 1 February 2025

Summer School 2025

The 23rd International Swiss Climate Summer School will take place from 24 to 29 August 2025 on Monte Verità, Ascona, Ticino. Its title is: Sustainable pathways to net zero. Programme and registration.

ConTaSed 2025

The 3rd International Conference on Contaminated Sediments will take place in Bern from 2 to 4 September 2025. ConTaSed 2025 will focus on natural and synthetic pollutants, in particular emerging and persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, microplastics and natural toxins. Another focus will be on risk assessment, remediation and policy. Programme and registration.


ERC Consolidator Grant for Martin Hinz

Martin Hinz

Martin Hinz (Prehistoric Archaeology group) has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for a project that aims to provide reliable and regionally differentiated estimates of prehistoric population dynamics in Europe and Western Asia from 12,000 to 2,000 years ago. Based at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, the project will use innovative statistical approaches such as hierarchical Bayesian modelling and data assimilation. By integrating archaeological and palaeo- ecological datasets, the project will address the limitations of outdated population estimates and provide new insights into the interactions between population dynamics, cultural innovation and environmental change.

SNSF Starting Grant for Franziska Lechleitner

Franziska Lechleitner

Franziska Lechleitner (Laboratory for the Analysis of Radiocarbon with AMS LARA) has been awarded an SNSF Starting Grant for her project "Refining terrestrial carbon export via observations of the deep Critical Zone (RESPIRE)". Based at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), the project will address critical knowledge gaps in understanding the export of carbon from terrestrial ecosystems to inland waters - an important but poorly constrained component of the global carbon cycle.

RESPIRE will focus on the complex and poorly understood processes governing carbon transport and transformation in the shallow subsurface, including deep soils and the unsaturated zone of aquifers.

Highly Cited Researchers

Highly Cited Researchers

Benjamin Stocker (Geocomputation and Earth Observation group) and former OCCR member Jakob Zeischler have been honoured as Highly Cited Researchers 2024. The nomination is awarded by the analytics company Clarivate. According to Clarivate, Highly Cited Researchers have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field of research.

SNSF Starting Grant for Maria Leunda

Maria Leunda

Maria Leunda, a former Postdoc with the Palaeoecology group, has received an SNSF Starting Grant for her project "GENICA - Rescuing the untapped paleoGENomic information preserved in Ice CAves to disclose long-term genetic variability of mountain vegetation".  Maria is currently based at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain, but is expected to return to the University of Bern with her SNSF funding. The abstract of her new project reads:

“This project will go beyond the current state-of-the-art in paleoecology as, for the first time, we will apply a plant ancient DNA (aDNA) approach, to exceptionally-well preserved plant macrofossils from ice deposits, with cutting-edge molecular techniques.”

EGU Award for Jens Terhaar

Jens Terhaar

Jens Terhaar (Ocean Modelling group) was honoured with the Ocean Science Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). The EGU has named the 49 recipients of next year’s Union Medals and Awards, Division Medals, and Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awards. These individuals are honoured for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences. They will be awarded during the EGU General Assembly 2025, which will be held from 27 April – 2 May.

HISTRHÔNE becomes part of Euro-Climhist

Nicolas Maughan

Nicolas Maughan (Université Aix-Marseille) will join the OCCR's Environmental and Climate History group for a five-month fellowship (December 2024 to April 2025) funded by an SNSF scientific exchange grant. Until now, he has been in charge of maintaining the historical climate database HISTRHÔNE, which contains data on natural hazards in southern France since the 13th century, and which will now be integrated into Euro-Climhist at the University of Bern.

SNF-spark grant for François Yves Burgay

François Yves Burgay

François Yves Burgay (Analytical Chemistry Research group) has received an SNF-spark grant for the project "Ice2Ocean: exploring novel ice-core proxies for marine productivity reconstructions". The project, which will be carried out at the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Basel, aims to analyse surface snow samples collected in Svalbard before and during the phytoplankton bloom using a novel non-target screening method.

Researchers who have recently joined the OCCR:

Franziska Aemisegger is a new Starting Grant Assistant Professor and leads the OCCR’s Cloud Dynamics group based in the Climatology unit of the Institute of Geography. She studied Environmental Engineering and got a PhD in Atmospheric and Climate Science from ETH Zürich. Then she spent two years in Sweden at Lund University for an SNSF Early Postdoc focussing on high-resolution isotope-enabled modelling of land-atmosphere exchange processes. For the past 6 years Franziska has been a senior scientist at ETH Zürich leading the stable water isotope laboratory in the Atmospheric Dynamics group and participating in several international and interdisciplinary field campaigns.

Eva Anthamatten is a new Scientific Staff member with the Lake Sediments and Paleolimnology group. She gained a BSc in Geosciences at the University of Lausanne and a MSc in Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics at ETH Zürich. She then worked at Eawag, the Water Research Institute (Dübendorf) with a focus on pesticides and pharmaceuticals fate in wastewater and surface water. Then she joined the micropollutant group of the Paleolimnology unit at UniBe and worked with a focus on pesticides analytics in lake sediments.

Christoph Baumberger is a new Privatdozent in the Climate ethics and philosophy of climate science group. He did his PhD at the University of Zürich and he habilitated at the University of Bern. He has held several teaching positions and is a lecturer at Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics at the University of Zürich.

Fabian Bernhard is a Scientific Programmer with the Geocomputation and Earth Observation group. He gained a MSc in Environmental Sciences and Engineering at EPFL, Lausanne and did a PhD in Environmental Sciences at WSL / ETH Zürich.

Jennifer Campos Ayala is a new Postdoc with the Past Climate and Biogeochemical Studies on Ice Cores group. She did a PhD at the University of California Irvine and will now be part of the SNF Advanced Grant project BURNice. Jennifer will be studying the fate of ethane in the atmosphere under various climate boundary conditions in the past using the atmospheric chemistry component of the coupled climate model CESM.

Tadeáš Červík is a new PhD with the Human Environment Systems Modeling group. His PhD project is related to the Hymes project (Hydrology of Mesopotamia) in which he is creating a multi-temporal hydrologic model in the form of a geodatabase. The objective of this interdisciplinary project is to use geographic (satellite imagery, digital elevation models), archaeologic (excavations), and philologic (cuneiform tablets) data to construct a hydraulic model of natural rivers and manufactured canals for Southern Mesopotamia from the 4th to the 1st millennium BC.

Rubén Delgado Manzanedo is a new Assistant Professor in the Community ecology group where he leads a SERI-granted ERC-Starting project. He gained a MSc in Global Change, Natural Resources and Sustainability in Spain and did his PhD in Ecology and Evolution at the University of Bern. Then he had Postdoc positions at Harvard University, the University of Washington, and at ETH Zürich.

Lisa Jourdain is a new PhD with the Dendrosciences group. She completed a Master’s in Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution with a focus on dendrochronology and methodologies in quantitative wood anatomy (QWA). Lisa’s research focus is on dendroclimatology, utilizing millennial-length tree-ring anatomy (QWA) reconstructions as part of the SNSF Weave RECONSPHERE project.

Annika Krüger is a new PhD with the Policy Analysis and Environmental Governance group. She  did a Master’s in Environmental Policy and Management at the University of California, Davis with a thesis entitled "Environmental Protection in the Polar Regions". The title of Anika’s PhD project is “Governance in the Face of Uncertainty: Navigating Compound Drought, Extreme Heat and Wildfire events”.

Marine Leyvraz is a new PhD with the Ocean Modelling group. She earned her Master’s degree in Astrophysics from the University of Geneva’s Department of Astronomy. Marine’s PhD research will focus on advancing the adaptive emission reduction approach to encompass multiple targets, including thresholds and tipping points for physical and biogeochemical extremes in the ocean.

Zabdi López is a new PhD with the Community ecology group. He holds an MSc in Ecology and Environmental Management from the University of South-Eastern Norway. His research interests are in ecology, climate change, and dendroecology and his fieldwork experience ranges from tropical forests to the Arctic.

Charles Pierce is a new PhD with the Climatology group. He did a Master's in Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zurich with a thesis entitled "Hybrid LES/RANS Simulations of the Exhaust Plume in the Vehicle Wake". His current research focus is on health-relevant heat indicators.

Alban Planchat is a new Postdoc with the Marine biogeochemistry and pollutants group. He did a PhD in Climate Science & Marine Biogeochemistry at the École Normale Supérieure – PSL, France. Alban is a marine biogeochemistry modeller and an expert on alkalinity and the carbonate pump in the ocean and in CMIP6 models.

Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva is a new assistant professor at the Institute of Geography of the University of Bern. She leads the OCCR group Geomorphology and Natural Hazards. She did a PhD in Fluvial Geomorphology at the Complutense University of Madrid. She moved to the University of Bern for a Postdoc at the former Dendrolab Laboratory (Institute of Geological Sciences). Later she became a senior researcher at the Hydraulics, Hydrology, and Glaciology (VAW) Laboratory of ETH Zürich. In 2020 she joined the Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics at the University of Lausanne as a SNF Eccellenza Professor.

A warm welcome to all of you!


Researchers who have recently left the OCCR:

Laura Dziomber who was a PhD with the Paleoecology group now works at the Federal office for the Environment (FOEN).
Susan Everingham who was a Postdoc with the Community ecology group returned to her home country Australia and is doing a Postdoc at Western Sydney University.
Chuxian Li who was an SNF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellow in the Paleolimnology group has assumed a new research position at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå. She has been awarded a career grant from the Swedish funding agency, FORMAS and will work for the next four years on her project called “Impact of Swedish peatland rewetting on mercury (Hg) bioaccumulation in downstream ecosystems: process quantification using Hg stable isotopes”.
Jaideep Joshi who was a Postdoc with the Geocomputation and Earth Observation group was appointed Professor at the India Institute of Technology, Mumbai.
Wenyue Wang who was a PhD with the Atmospheric Processes and Radiometry group was awarded a SNSF postdoc mobility fellowship and will work at the University of Tasmania as of February 2025.
All the best for your future career!

Recent journal publications by OCCR members

See all the publications by OCCR members.