Franziska Aemisegger is a new Starting Grant Assistant Professor and leads the OCCR’s Cloud Dynamics group based in the Climatology unit of the Institute of Geography. She studied Environmental Engineering and got a PhD in Atmospheric and Climate Science from ETH Zürich. Then she spent two years in Sweden at Lund University for an SNSF Early Postdoc focussing on high-resolution isotope-enabled modelling of land-atmosphere exchange processes. For the past 6 years Franziska has been a senior scientist at ETH Zürich leading the stable water isotope laboratory in the Atmospheric Dynamics group and participating in several international and interdisciplinary field campaigns.
Eva Anthamatten is a new Scientific Staff member with the Lake Sediments and Paleolimnology group. She gained a BSc in Geosciences at the University of Lausanne and a MSc in Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics at ETH Zürich. She then worked at Eawag, the Water Research Institute (Dübendorf) with a focus on pesticides and pharmaceuticals fate in wastewater and surface water. Then she joined the micropollutant group of the Paleolimnology unit at UniBe and worked with a focus on pesticides analytics in lake sediments.
Christoph Baumberger is a new Privatdozent in the Climate ethics and philosophy of climate science group. He did his PhD at the University of Zürich and he habilitated at the University of Bern. He has held several teaching positions and is a lecturer at Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics at the University of Zürich.
Fabian Bernhard is a Scientific Programmer with the Geocomputation and Earth Observation group. He gained a MSc in Environmental Sciences and Engineering at EPFL, Lausanne and did a PhD in Environmental Sciences at WSL / ETH Zürich.
Jennifer Campos Ayala is a new Postdoc with the Past Climate and Biogeochemical Studies on Ice Cores group. She did a PhD at the University of California Irvine and will now be part of the SNF Advanced Grant project BURNice. Jennifer will be studying the fate of ethane in the atmosphere under various climate boundary conditions in the past using the atmospheric chemistry component of the coupled climate model CESM.
Tadeáš Červík is a new PhD with the Human Environment Systems Modeling group. His PhD project is related to the Hymes project (Hydrology of Mesopotamia) in which he is creating a multi-temporal hydrologic model in the form of a geodatabase. The objective of this interdisciplinary project is to use geographic (satellite imagery, digital elevation models), archaeologic (excavations), and philologic (cuneiform tablets) data to construct a hydraulic model of natural rivers and manufactured canals for Southern Mesopotamia from the 4th to the 1st millennium BC.
Rubén Delgado Manzanedo is a new Assistant Professor in the Community ecology group where he leads a SERI-granted ERC-Starting project. He gained a MSc in Global Change, Natural Resources and Sustainability in Spain and did his PhD in Ecology and Evolution at the University of Bern. Then he had Postdoc positions at Harvard University, the University of Washington, and at ETH Zürich.
Lisa Jourdain is a new PhD with the Dendrosciences group. She completed a Master’s in Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution with a focus on dendrochronology and methodologies in quantitative wood anatomy (QWA). Lisa’s research focus is on dendroclimatology, utilizing millennial-length tree-ring anatomy (QWA) reconstructions as part of the SNSF Weave RECONSPHERE project.
Annika Krüger is a new PhD with the Policy Analysis and Environmental Governance group. She did a Master’s in Environmental Policy and Management at the University of California, Davis with a thesis entitled "Environmental Protection in the Polar Regions". The title of Anika’s PhD project is “Governance in the Face of Uncertainty: Navigating Compound Drought, Extreme Heat and Wildfire events”.
Marine Leyvraz is a new PhD with the Ocean Modelling group. She earned her Master’s degree in Astrophysics from the University of Geneva’s Department of Astronomy. Marine’s PhD research will focus on advancing the adaptive emission reduction approach to encompass multiple targets, including thresholds and tipping points for physical and biogeochemical extremes in the ocean.
Zabdi López is a new PhD with the Community ecology group. He holds an MSc in Ecology and Environmental Management from the University of South-Eastern Norway. His research interests are in ecology, climate change, and dendroecology and his fieldwork experience ranges from tropical forests to the Arctic.
Charles Pierce is a new PhD with the Climatology group. He did a Master's in Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zurich with a thesis entitled "Hybrid LES/RANS Simulations of the Exhaust Plume in the Vehicle Wake". His current research focus is on health-relevant heat indicators.