The ICOS network
ICOS is a pan-European research infrastructure that provides harmonized and highly precise scientific data on the carbon cycle, greenhouse gas balance and anthropogenic impacts. ICOS data is openly accessible in the «Carbon Portal», a one-stop shop for all ICOS data products. The ICOS research infrastructure is coordinated and managed by the ICOS European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). ICOS ERIC was established by decision of the European Commission in November 2015 and is based in Finland. Twelve European countries are currently participating in ICOS. ICOS is one of 13 central pan-European research infrastructures.
The ICOS network in Switzerland consists of ETH Zurich, Empa, WSL, University of Berne, University of Basel and MeteoSwiss. ICOS Switzerland contributes two measuring stations – the atmospheric station at Jungfraujoch and the ecosystem station in Davos – to ICOS. ICOS Switzerland is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Empa, ETH Zurich, WSL , the Universities of Berne and Basel and the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU).
(Source: EMPA press release)